Student Life
Campus Ministry

Retreat Information

Student Life
Campus Ministry

Retreat Information

What Happens on Retreat?

Freshmen - 1/2 day retreat at Aquinas following 1/2 day orientation. The days consist of prayer activities, fun games and sharing groups; designed to bond Freshmen together in a Christ like atmosphere.

Sophomores - Full school day at Guardian Angels Church, Henrietta. The day consists of faith reflection talks by Peer Ministers and adults, followed by sharing groups. Games are interspersed throughout the day; designed to make friends with those people we don't know and truly instill the message of the talks.

Juniors - Full day of the High Ropes Course at Camp Stella Maris on Conesus Lake. If weather forbids, we do group activities instead. The day facilitates communication skills, leadership, and facing challenges. Interspersed amidst the ropes elements are talks given by Peer Ministers on conversion.

Seniors - Overnight at Camp Stella Maris on Conesus Lake. The 24-hours with the Lord concentrate on finding God amidst the fun, trials, successes and challenges of senior year and how to transition to college spiritually prepared.

Retreat FAQs

List of 6 frequently asked questions.

  • Why go on a retreat?

    Why not? Americans lead very busy lives – high school students included. It’s important to be away from our typical lives of classes and bells, to just be able to spend time reflecting upon our lives with Jesus and with each other. Here’s a scripture for you from the Gospel of Mark that sums it up:

    “Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, Jesus said to the apostles, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." Mark 6:31

    Retreats give us that same chance.

  • What if I miss a test or something important at school?

    Everyone in the building gets a copy of the entire year of sophomore/junior retreat attendance sheets. Teachers and coaches know when you will be gone so that they can plan for your absence, so don’t worry about it. Seniors schedule their retreat at the beginning of the school year, so if something comes up, they have the ability to switch it. But think about this: It’s a respectful thing to inform people of your absence.

  • What do we do on retreat?

    Every grade level is different but they all have this in common: if you open your heart to the retreat experience you will have one of the best experiences of your high school life. Common things: Peer Ministers and other adults come along to lead prayer, facilitate small groups, and run games among other things.

  • Can I go on more than one retreat?

    Sophomores and juniors – sorry, no. Seniors might be able to if there is room, however that is on a case by case basis.

  • What happens if I miss my retreat?

    Mrs. Schott, Aquinas' Director of Mission and Ministry, or your Theology teacher (if you are a sophomore or junior) will schedule you for another one. Seniors must see Mrs. Schott by the next school day. Without a weeks notice of missing an overnight retreat, seniors will be charged the $40 that covers catered meals and accommodation. The point is that it can always be worked out!
  • What if I can’t remember which retreat I signed up for?

    Please see Mrs. Schott or your Theology teacher for a permission slip and/or to find out which retreat you've signed up for.

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