Freshmen - 1/2 day retreat at Aquinas following 1/2 day orientation. The days consist of prayer activities, fun games and sharing groups; designed to bond Freshmen together in a Christ like atmosphere.
Sophomores - Full school day at Guardian Angels Church, Henrietta. The day consists of faith reflection talks by Peer Ministers and adults, followed by sharing groups. Games are interspersed throughout the day; designed to make friends with those people we don't know and truly instill the message of the talks.
Juniors - Full day of the High Ropes Course at Camp Stella Maris on Conesus Lake. If weather forbids, we do group activities instead. The day facilitates communication skills, leadership, and facing challenges. Interspersed amidst the ropes elements are talks given by Peer Ministers on conversion.
Seniors - Overnight at Camp Stella Maris on Conesus Lake. The 24-hours with the Lord concentrate on finding God amidst the fun, trials, successes and challenges of senior year and how to transition to college spiritually prepared.